About Us
What We Do:
AEC Communications, Inc. provides Architectural, Engineering and Construction support services. Specializing in CAD & BIM support, As-Built CAD/BIM Surveys, Historical Documentation, Facilities Management Documentation, Renderings and Animations.
Our office is located in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia, within thirty minutes of two national airports. Projects located within five hours distance are considered our Local Market, which encompasses 90,000 square miles of five states. The continental United States is our Extended Market. We have conducted business through-out the continental United States as well as Hawaii and Puerto Rico.
Corporate Vision:
Our vision at AEC Communications, Inc. is to bring expertise and provide support to our clients in the effective dissemination of their ideas using proven solutions and innovations.
“Architecture is the thoughtful making of space.”
Louis Isadore Kahn, Architect
Humans have a long heritage of relating to spaces.
There are spaces for commerce, care or dwelling.
Accurately knowing the extents of your space
Is key to repurposing it for your dreams.
Knowing your space begins with us.
AEC Communications, Inc.